What makes Jambo5 unique among meeting tools and video conferencing systems?

In the world of digital meetings, there are numerous tools and platforms that help us to collaborate and communicate effectively.

But what sets Jambo5 apart from all these solutions?

Jambo5 is not just another meeting software - it's a revolutionary platform that takes meetings to a whole new level.

The decisive difference lies in how Jambo5 handles individual meeting points.

Instead of conducting meetings as unstructured conversations, meeting points are viewed as independent elements.

During the meeting, they are supplemented with documents, resolutions and tasks. This creates a seamless process in which a meeting item in the agenda becomes a concrete result.

The special feature here is that the meeting minutes is already up to date during the meeting .

No further tedious post-processing or manual meeting minutes is required. As soon as the meeting is over, the meeting minutes can be sent directly without further checking. This not only saves time, but also ensures high quality results.

Unlike other systems that often rely on screen-sharing techniques and then try to automatically create meeting minutes using AI technologies, Jambo5 takes a holistic and thoughtful approach. By integrating meeting points as independent elements, unnecessary effort is avoided.

There is no need for the tedious uploading of video recordings, the creation of transcripts and evaluation with language models.

This not only saves time and resources, but also achieves more reliable results - without compromises.

Comparison between video conferencing systems and Jambo5

Video conference Video conference
with add-ons
Video conference
with AI add-ons
Meeting Minutes reflect 100% of what was discussed and shown, including decisions, votes and tasks
Documents an integral part of the meeting
only screen sharing
in external software only
in external software only
in external software only
in external software only
in external software only
Automatic Meeting Minutes
external software, AI controlled
by AI
100% authentic
Painting on all documents
on all documents shown
Screenshots from the screen sharing
with assignment to meeting point
Meeting points as living and changing elements
Everyone can contribute to the results
Interactive voting function
in external software only
in external software only
in external software only
Interactive Ping Point function
Interactive create tasks function
in external software only
in external software only
AI generated
100% authentic
Catch Up function
AI generated
100% authentic
Recap function
AI generated
100% authentic
Meeting Minutes
in external software only
automatically by transcript
Participants during the meeting through Jambo5 usage
Zooming of images and PDFs for all participants simultaneously with painting to scale
only through screen sharing
only through screen sharing
only through screen sharing
Documents are assigned to the appropriate meeting points, also in the meeting minutes
Co-moderators/co-presenters (more than just participants/meeting management)
Collaboration features
in external software only
in external software only
Meeting preparation (prepare topics, documents, votes)
in external software only
in external software only
in external software only
Moderator Notes per meeting point and document
in external software only

Are you satisfied with your current video conferencing solution and your meeting workflow? That's a good thing.

But are your meetings really productive?

  • Do you have to manually summarize the results and tasks of each meeting at the end?
  • Do you always need a minute-taker to write everything down?
  • Do you always use PowerPoint presentations, even if you only want to show something briefly?
  • Do you always write the agenda in the appointment agreement, which nobody sticks to anyway?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, Jambo5 will also significantly increase the productivity of your meetings in combination with your video conferencing tool such as Teams or Zoom.

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